Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Locksmith Carol Stream IL: Various Kinds of Locks

If you find yourself shopping around for new locks, one thing is for sure and that is that you will likely find yourself overwhelmed. Have you ever stepped into a shop just to see what’s available in terms of new locks? If so, you’re going to find aisles of options. Or perhaps you use sites such as for just about everything. No matter where you look, you’re going to find plenty to choose from. The key to finding the best lock (no pun intended) is to stick within your budget and to know the features that are important to you. Locksmith Carol Stream IL works hard to provide Carol Stream, Illinois locals with the lock and security services that they need.  If you need help or more information on locks, you can call us if you are in our service area, or we are confident that there is a great locksmith by you.

Finding a locksmith that is practiced and competent in working with a wide variety of locks can be a difficult task. But we urge you to take the proper steps: make sure the locksmith you hire is licensed and insured (hey, things can go wrong while installing locks); make sure that the locksmith you hire has good reviews – you can check on social media (Facebook) and Yelp; and make sure that the locksmith is willing to offer the information you need, such as a price quote for the service, without any hassle. Keeping these tips in mind, you are sure to find a great locksmith to help you navigate the various kinds of locks!

What to Know When Buying a New Lock
  • Pay attention to the materials used to make the lock
Go with a high-quality metal so that you can get adequate protection for your property. There are some locks that you will find to be less expensive, but make sure that they weren’t put together cheaply.

  • Go with a solid brand
A good way to find a good lock is to go with a solid, reputable brand. This doesn’t mean spending a fortune. Companies like Mul-T-Lock, Falcon and Schlage make great locks and you are sure to find a great deal. All you have to do is look around. Remember, you can always find the cheapest option when it comes to the specific lock you want, if you just compare rates at a few different places.
So, what kind of locks are available in the present day? Check it out…

Residential Locks

There are many areas in your home where locks should be installed. You need more than a front door lock. Have a look at common locks for homes:
  • Door locks
Deadbolts are commonly used on exterior doors in homes because they are affordable and add more security. Keyless locks and electronic locks are quite popular, too. Of course, if you are going with a keyless lock, you’re going to be looking at a higher price tag. This is a given. You pay for the quality technology, but it is well worth it.

On interior doors, lever handle locks and knob door locks work very well.

  • Garage door locks
There are all sorts of locks for garage doors, like T-Handle locks, padlocks and deadbolts. Just bear in mind that your automatic garage door opener might not be enough when you are trying to keep your property safe and secure.

  • Window locks
As it relates to window locks, you have a few options. If you look at a place like Walmart, you are going to find sliding window locks for a great deal – as a matter of fact, a quick online search reveals a lot of 4 piece sliding window locks for less than $5. You can get heavy duty cast aluminum for a great deal. These locks will keep windows shut in a closed or ventilating position. Of course, a locksmith will always be able to offer a great deal on window locks and installation.

  • Furniture locks
When it comes to furniture locks, you can spend $5 or you can spend $40, or more or less. There are many options available. You can find a small brass plated non-mortise cabinet lock for approximately $5 online. Electronic cabinet locks are becoming more popular and you could find one of these on – use Prime and get free shipping, and you really can’t go wrong! Again, furniture locks can be discussed with your local locksmith.

Commercial Locks

Let’s not forget about your commercial property. Locks are so important!
  • Keypad door locks
A keypad door lock means that to get in, you must enter a passcode. Without the correct passcode, you won’t be able to get in. This is a good way to keep unwanted persons out while being able to avoid having a key. Keypad locks come in various size options.

  • Furniture locks
As mentioned, furniture locks can be discussed with your local locksmith and should be installed on cabinets or drawers that must be locked!

  • Panic Bars
While not exactly a lock per se, your commercial property does require panic bars. They allow for an easier, faster exit plan during an emergency. Talk with your locksmith about panic bars and how they can even lower your insurance rate!

Automotive Locks

Finally, automotive locks – your car needs locks that work. If they were damaged during a break in, allow a locksmith who is licensed and insured to fix them. Keypads are a good option and can be found on many new vehicles. Just make sure that your locks are in good shape!
Would you like more information about the lock types that are for sale today? We’d be happy to provide the relevant information for you. Just call us if you happen to be in or near Carol Stream, but remember that if you are elsewhere, you should do a search for a locksmith by you. This will allow you to have someone to reach out to for all of your lock and security concerns!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Locksmith Carol Stream IL– What to Do When Transponder Key is Lost

In last decade or so, we’ve seen many fantastic improvements and upgrades made in the automotive industry. This includes the creation of the transponder keys- a much more secure option than regular keys. This type of key contains a unique device called a transponder chip. It is used to communicate with the computer in the car’s engine. Without this chip, your engine won’t start.
At some point in time, many people will lose their keys- it doesn’t matter what type of key it is. Did you lose your transponder key recently? Don’t worry! You’re not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last. Just make sure that you direct all your transponder key issues to Locksmith Carol Stream IL in Carol Stream, Illinois.

Now, What Should You Do If Your Transponder Key is Lost?
Well, there are several things that you can do. Hopefully, the solution to your situation won’t be too expensive. And, if you didn’t know before, now may not be a good time to find out. But, transponder keys can be fairly expensive to make.
So, before you jump into such a big expense, let’s explore some options for you.
  • Search and search again
This statement may seem a bit odd. But, is it really? How many times have you had things go missing only to find them a few days or even hours later? It has happened to the best of us. So, before you go into a frenzy or start searching for money to spend on new keys, search for those keys again.

You never know. With an extra set of eyes and hands, you may end up finding those keys that you thought were lost. If you do find them, it will end up saving you a few bucks. So, search again.

  • Get your spare key
Whether you bought your car new from a dealer or it’s used, it is quite likely that you received a spare key with it. If you’ve never thought about using it before, now’s the time to go and get it. If you’re far away from home, it’s easier said than done. But, we hope if you ever should lose your transponder key that you’ll be close to your already programmed spare key.

Can’t find your spare key? You may just be in a little pickle. But, keep reading! We have a great suggestion for our next tip.

  • Call a locksmith
Notice it said call a locksmith and not your dealer? It may seem a bit bias since we’re a locksmith company. But, guess what? Your local locksmith is often much less expensive than your dealer. Many professional locksmiths are trained to handle transponder keys. Once they’re well-trained and experienced, they should be able to provide top-class services.

Regardless of where you live, we’re sure that you can find an amazing locksmith in your area to make or even program your transponder key for you.

Note carefully: There’s one thing that you should never, ever do if you lose your transponder key. NEVER BYPASS THE COMPUTER SYSTEM! If you received more than one key with your vehicle when you bought it, chances are that the spare key may need to be programmed. If you’re one of the lucky ones, then your spare key may be programmed already. So, this may not apply to you.
But, if your key needs to be programmed, go ahead and do it. Never use that unprogrammed key to start your vehicle by bypassing the computer system. That’s a very dangerous risk to take. Getting the key programmed may seem a bit costly now, but it could end up being the less costly option in the long run.

Can’t Find Your Transponder Key? Here’s the best solution!
You may be wondering what can be better than calling a locksmith for help. Well, we have some great news for you. All the stress related to a lost transponder key and the money you’ll have to spend can be saved. You just have to do one thing- DON’T LOSE THE KEY!
Well, when you think about it, that’s really a preventative measure rather than a solution, right? But, it’s the best thing you can do to avoid all the headache. So, how can you prevent your oh-so-important car keys from getting lost? Here are a few tips.
  1. Use a key finder.
If you lose your keys a lot, you’ll find that a key finder is one of the greatest inventions available today. There are several varieties of them, so they work in different ways. But, the common goal of these small and helpful devices is to assist you when you need to find your keys.

On more than one occasion, many of us will misplace our keys. Sometimes it is these same circumstances that lead to a lost key. So, having a key finder can surely prevent such incidences as these. They’re sold for a wide range of prices too, so you should find one that meets your budgetary requirements.

  1. Place your keys in easy-to-reach places.
There are many places where we can lose our keys. It doesn’t matter if you’re in or outside your home. So, another great way to make your keys easy-to-find is by keeping it in specific locations. Using items like a key rack or a key bowl can save you a lot of time and hassle when you’re at home.

Not home? Then, you may have to be much more careful with where you place your keys. Try not to leave them in places where you may forget them. Be especially careful when you’re out shopping or you’re in places where they can be very easily misplaced.

Would you like more information about how to properly maintain or replace your transponder keys? Perhaps you’d like a locksmith to make one for you or program the transponder chip. Just give us a call at Locksmith Carol Stream IL in Carol Stream, Illinois. We are transponder key experts and we’d be happy to assist you.